Quality Team

Make quality an integral part of your software lifecycle.

From release planning to defect tracking, quality should be an integral part of your organizations software lifecycle. Given them the tools and access to real-time data in Essembi to help the quality team make a significant impact on your product.

Quality Team Tools
Release Management
Ticket Testing
Defect Tracking
Automated Testing Coverage

Key features for the quality team.

Release management tools for the quality team in Essembi
Release Management

Build a clear release plan for all teams within your software lifecycle.

Having all of your development tickets in a single system with Essembi allows you easily plan a release timeline and ensure your team is staying on pace to meet your milestones.

Make sure quality gets the time they need to properly complete their testing procedures ahead of any release.

Ticket Testing

Minimize re-work and reduce busy work with effective ticket level testing.

With information from each stakeholder in the development lifecycle included within a ticket in Essembi, the quality team will have a better picture of how and what needs to be tested.

Minimize inter-team confusion and make quality more effective with better information to execute quality tests on a product.

Defect tracking in Essembi
Defect Tracking

Pro-actively track product defects to improve user experience.

By actively tracking defects, resolving them promptly and putting safeguards in place to prevent them from occuring again, the quality team can prevent minor issues from escalating into more significant problems that may affect the user experience or overall system stability.

Addressing defects early in the development process helps avoid costly and time-consuming rework later.

Automated testing coverage reporting to enhance product quality
Automated Testing Coverage

Track your product's automated testing coverage and prioritize future additions.

Automated tests can be easily scaled to cover a broad range of scenarios, increasing the test coverage and reducing the risk of overlooking critical defects that might be missed with manual testing due to time constraints.

Track your product's automated testing coverage to ensure you are prioritizing the development of new tests the help move the needle for your software lifecycle.

  • Sprint Planning

    Review upcoming sprint plans to ensure your quality resources are allocated correctly to meet overall product milestones.

    Learn More 
  • Retrospectives

    After each sprint, review what went well and what needs to be improved. Make changes to your agile workflows as part of your continuous improvement commitment.

    Learn More 

Stay on the cutting edge of trends in software quality and AI.

Industry best practices, product updates and other resources to help you and your team grow.

  • Q2 Roadmap Update

    Q2 Roadmap Update

    Essembi is busy building new features and adapting our 2024 roadmap to changes in the market and user feedback. Check out where things stand and what key features we are working on for your software team.

    Q2 Roadmap Update

    Essembi is busy building new features and adapting our 2024 roadmap to changes in the market and user feedback. Check out where things stand and what key features we are...

  • Feature Spotlight: Sheet Data Entry

    Feature Spotlight: Sheet Data Entry

    Update statuses, assignments, due dates and more – directly from sheets in Essembi. Utilize the litany of out-of-the-box sheets for roadmaps, backlogs, sprints etc. Replace spreadsheets with unlimited custom sheets to track any specific business or project needs.

    Feature Spotlight: Sheet Data Entry

    Update statuses, assignments, due dates and more – directly from sheets in Essembi. Utilize the litany of out-of-the-box sheets for roadmaps, backlogs, sprints etc. Replace spreadsheets with unlimited custom sheets...

  • New Integration: Microsoft Teams

    New Integration: Microsoft Teams

    Your browser does not support the video tag. Essembi launches new systems integration with popular group chat and collaboration suite Microsoft Teams. Essembi's Microsoft Teams integration allows for the quick...

    New Integration: Microsoft Teams

    Your browser does not support the video tag. Essembi launches new systems integration with popular group chat and collaboration suite Microsoft Teams. Essembi's Microsoft Teams integration allows for the quick...

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